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  1. 3D 프린트 뉴스

3D 프린트 뉴스

뉴스와 이벤트입니다.

게시판 상세
제목 15세 소년, 휴머노이드 로봇을 만들어내다
작성자 관리자 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2015-11-17
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 312
평점 0점

그리스 카발라 출신의 15세 소년인 Dmitris Hatzis는 세계에서 가장 어린나이에 실물크기의 휴머노이드 로봇을 만들어낸 소년이 되었습니다. 이 로봇은 프랑스의 조각가이자 메이커인 Gael Langevin의 오픈 소스 프로젝트인 "InMoov"를 그대로 적용한 것입니다. Langevin은 12X12X12cm 이상으로 출력할 수 있는 데스크탑 3D프린터만 있으면 복제가능하도록 디자인하였습니다.

아무튼 소년은 이 오픈소스를 따라서 1년 동안 475파트를 출력 후에 조립하였습니다. ABS를 재료로 만들었는데 대략 1KM정도 소요되었고 완성 후에 이 로봇의 이름을 "Troopy"라고 지었다고 합니다. 참고로 이 오픈소스에 도전하여 성공한 사람은 원 개발자를 포함하여 6명 밖에 되지 않으며 이 소년은 도전에 성공하기 위해 다른 성인 메이커들과 적극적으로 교류했다고 합니다. 로봇 만들기에 도전한 이유가 2013년에 Real Steel이라는 영화를 보고나서 로봇에 대한 관심이 커졌기 때문이라고 하는데, 아이들에게 SF영화가 좋은 자극이 되는군요.

<기사원문 참조>

15-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Person to Create Functional Life-Size Humanoid Robot

Inspired by the 2011 sci-fi film Real Steel starring Hugh Jackman, Greek teenager Dimitris Hatzis has become the youngest person in the world to build a 3D printed life-size functional robot.

15-year-old Dimitris’s feat was a part of ‘InMoov’, an open source project run by French sculptor and designer Gael Langevin. The project provides a design that is “replicable on any home 3D printer with a 12x12x12cm area.” Using these instructions, Dimitris spent over 1,400 hours planning, experimenting, printing, and assembling the robot. Over the course of a year, he made 475 printed parts using about a kilometer of ABS plastic and painstakingly put them together to form the droid that he now calls ‘Troopy’.

Dimitris is the youngest of only six people in the world who have been able to follow Langevin’s design and successfully complete the project. The other successful participants include Langevin himself, two Russians, an Italian, and a German. Dimitris revealed that he was regularly in touch with the others and worked with them as peers, even though they were much older to him.

Some of Troopy’s key features include independent eye and head movements, and five degrees of freedom (DOF) in each arm. The 1.85-meter tall droid can accurately mimic human movements, and communicate in fluent English. According to Dimitris, however, the state-of-the-art robot is far from complete.  “Every new robot has an improved model of the previous one – this is why the robot hasn’t yet morphed into its final form and maybe never will, constantly being improved and updated,” he explained.


He also revealed that interest in robotics began at a very early age, but it wasn’t until late 2013, when he saw Real Steel, that he began to think of building Troopy. His incredible creation won him the first prize at this year’s Industrial Informatics Festival i2fest, held in Kavala. Last year, he had won the second prize for designing and building a 3D home printer from scratch.



Photos: Greek Gateway

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